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This isn't really a comment, I just wanted to see if anybody knows of any good sites I can use to actually write my book. I have a great idea, I would just really like to type it out. Thanks, Danielle.

Hi Tessa,

I'm the only one here right this moment (Tom), but I think all of us at WME would be interested in helping out, if we can.

What do you have in mind? Which school are you from? Are you a professor, student, ...?

Several possibilities come to mind for connecting with you and your book club via our blog(s), but I guess we should start with your ideas and goals.

Let us know ...

uhm, i have established a book club in our school....i would like to research and get some help on developing oa module for our regular sessions. this is exclusively for education students in our university aimed at enhancing their social and communication skills as well as nurturing and enhancing values in them as future mentors in our society and in our locale commuity through insight sharing and group interaction...hope i've come to some sort of a sopt to find the help i need...thanks

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