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When a mother receives a tribute of the sort written my my daughter (see comments above), there is little she can do other than shed a few tears of happiness and say Thank you!

Writing a book has often been compared to giving birth, and I can say that is an apt analogy. Giving birth is an ardous task-- it takes months of preparation and no matter how many times you go through it, each experience is a new one. After the months of preparation, and the pain of delivery, you have something so precious-- words cannot truly describe the euphoria. So it is with writing and producing a book. It's an experience unlike any other, it brings great joy to the writer, when all is said and done-- and no two books produce the same result.

To my daughter, who has honored me with her words, I say thank you. May you write your book the readers who may chance upon this blog and these comments, I say stay tuned. I am working hard to live up to my daughter's image of me-- your help is welcomed. Enter the conversation-- we are listening.

Hello everyone.

I frequent this site because Yvonne is my mother, but I don't usually post anything, partly because my life is as crazy as my mother's, and partly because I much prefer to read. I decided with the launch of my mother's newest venture I would clock in and say a few words.

First, for all of you who know my mother only from her writing it is a great portrayal of her. To the point. Creative. A little sarcastic. And, always with excitement and passion. I'm more a numbers person, hence my career as an accountant, but I credit my mother for giving me a great appreciation for the power of writing.

Having watched my mother re-enter the business world many years ago, and seeing her talents were never being utilized, it is wonderful to see where she is now. I knew she was not meant for the corporate world. She had too much creativity to be stuck in a cube with someone else telling her what to do. Not that she wasn’t good at anything she did. She could (and can) conquer anything. But, her heart was with her writing and I knew someday her life would take her there.

On this Friday night, at 8:45 est, I can guarantee that my mother is either still working at her computer, or attempting to relax with a notepad in front of her full of tasks to defeat. We all have lists like this, but my mother manages to have enough of one for all of us. She has managed to cultivate enough ambition and drive to last both our lifetimes, and she is truly an amazing person.

I suppose I’m slightly bias, being her daughter and all, but that also gives me a view not many get to see. To know what my mother has come from, and everything she has been through, and to see her constantly strive forward without letting any bump (or mountain) steer her off course, gives me a great sense of pride. Pride in the person who has influenced me more than anything in my life. Pride in the fact that some of that strive has trickled down into me, and pride that I get to know the complete person that she is.

My mother has no idea that I am posting this, and I’m sure once she reads it my phone will be ringing. Hopefully I have not made any grammar mistakes because if I have she will let me know! I guess that is the one thing I wish I had not picked up from my mother. I don’t think my in-laws are all that amused when I correct their English, or edit their grocery lists, but I just can’t help myself. 27+ years of influence from an English major has taken its toll. And now I’ve aged my mother, which won’t be appreciated. Sorry Mom.

I, as all of you, cannot wait to see what is going to come of my mother’s hard work. I know she is worthy of more than she could ever get, but again, I am bias. I hope each and every person who allows my mother’s writing into her/his life appreciates her for what she is: a brilliant writer, and a better person than most of us.

Daughter of the dazzling Yvonne

Toby-- you are the best! Your congrats means the world to us.

JoAnne, how wonderful to hear from you. We are totally serious when we say we're here to help, as you "contemplate" your writing. The website will soon have a PDF for you to download-- it's called, "The 'How to Write a Book' Book." I'll announce it on the blog first. Stay tuned.

Yvonne - Congrats! on your 3rd blog and newest company! Since, as you say, everyone has a story to tell, I'm looking forward to another success tale from you.


Hello All:

I happened upon this site, by chance, while looking for something completely different.
I fall into the category of "contemplating" when it comes to writing and many other things.
My resolution for this year is to stop being a thinker and to start being a doer.
Looking forward to reading your posts.

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    Borrowed with minor revisions from GM's Fast Lane blog

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