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I have a book. Would like to sell it on line, on a blog, whatever. It's a different sort of love story told from the "male" point of view. It's set in the 1960's, Boomer time, and takes place in a small town in upstate New York, that could be anytown, USA. It is based on the old song from 1964, Last Kiss, by J.Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers. It was re-recorded by Pearl Jam in 1999 and was an instant hit.

Please advise.

Marilyn Smith Porter, author of Last Kiss

Thank you for mounting my pre-order ad this morning.
I am already getting hits from it.

Isn't blogging a hoot?
We start conversations effortlessly, and if we have a decent communication cycle and good manners, all sorts of things happen.

My book was written because of a comment made by Rosa Say, a rather new blogger. I used an off-the-wall marketing approach because of remarks from Seth Godin, a very well-known blogger. My book is on ChangeThis because of an email from Avi Solomon, another blogger.

And now, I am sticking with the people who originally passed the word that my book was worth reading - these were bloggers, one and all.

My rationale is that these are the people who convinced 5000 people to download a rather large book, so they are my best source of referrals to enlighten people that the book is finally available in a slick dead-tree format with a personal message from the author.

I am blogging this entire project, of course, so that others will not have to break new ground when they decide to publish their own books.

As I wrote elsewhere, blogging is not a zero-sum game. There is room on the blogosphere for a million more books. THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF SHELF SPACE.

There is also no shortage of genres. You want to write the ultimate cowboy, sci-fi, horror, farside, bodice ripper? You got it! It may never find shelf space at Borders, but you can sell that puppy for years until every Rocky Horror Show junkie has one.

So, don't throw away those old story ideas. Figure out a marketing plan and publish until you get it out of your system! Good luck!

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    Borrowed with minor revisions from GM's Fast Lane blog

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