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J. Greenshaw - blogging your book is an excellent idea. WRite about the experience and offer some of the content to get people hungry for more. But, you still have to produce a can market it to publishers but - that will be a 2-3 year experience. How much is your time worth?

my book is almost finished. i have had a one time writer for tv shows read the book, make comments, and generally edit information on the book. i know this is a good book because i have had people i don't know read the book, and like the book. so, now what. everyone wants money to publish and i haven't sent them the book because i don't believe i should have to pay someone to publish a good book, and this book is good. should i blog the book?

my book is almost finished. i have had a one time writer for tv shows read the book, make comments, and generally edit information on the book. i know this is a good book because i have had people i don't know read the book, and like the book. so, now what. everyone wants money to publish and i haven't sent them the book because i don't believe i should have to pay someone to publish a good book, and this book is good. should i blog the book?

I like the whole idea of what you've written in. Completely agreed that your comments are nice compilation of links and information, in addition to the nice way of expression...
Being an author with an inspired blog, , I love the way you've put forth the guidelines.

This is quite exciting. Using blogs as a writing tool is something I've been taking note of and studying.

Thanks for the great info.

Also, thanks to Stacy of Mind & Media for finding you. I'm looking forward to utilizing your resources.

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    Borrowed with minor revisions from GM's Fast Lane blog

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