We've had the opportunity to come across such talented people through the blogosphere. Many of our connections have not only enabled us to meet gifted writers, but we've also been fortunate to meet artists, photographers, crafters and musicians as well. These people have not only used their blogs as a way to communicate their thoughts but also as a vehicle to share their creations with us .
One blog I visit daily is called "The Reign of Ellen."
Ellen is a wonderful writer who shares her insight on life in an honest and often humorous style. She is also a gifted illustrator, cartoonist, graphic designer, mom of an adorable baby girl named Anna and a wife to Jason. Her art is so awesome and the books she's written are amazing. I asked Ellen if she would mind being my first interview for A'ha. She was so kind to agree. So it is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce to you her royal highness: Ellen!
1. I’ve been a regular reader of your blog for several months now, I am amazed at gifted you are not only as an artist but as a young mother in general. What surprised you most about becoming a mom?
I know that it sounds sappy, but I was really amazed at how much I loved her and how immediately it happened. I had planned for so many things, like the exact car seat I wanted and what little pink outfit she was going to wear back from the hospital. When she arrived and I looked at her, I was surprised at how real she was. She was exactly right.
I had planned on going back to work after my maternity leave, and winging it as far as quitting or not. As I found myself quickly reaching the end of my maternity leave, I knew that being away from her every day was not going to be a long term option. Thankfully, I was able to quit three months later.
2. Your illustrations and writings are exceptional. I know many
artists who can’t go too long without expressing themselves
creatively. For them, it’s a way to keep themselves balanced. Do
you get antsy if you can’t find the time or put in the time you
want to do your artwork or writing? Do you go through a type of
You know, I don't know if I get antsy or not. My cartooning is so much a part of me,
I haven't really stopped doing it for long enough at any point to know if I'd get antsy or not.
It's kinda like driving a car. I don't even think about it anymore.
3. You’ve been very honest about your depression and your book is
wonderful. How has your honesty in you blog posts helped or
hindered you in your personal life?
Helped: I have gotten to know many people out there, people that I now consider my friends.
I get a few emails a week telling me how much my depression book has helped them and that amazes me constantly. It's hard to be an artist without an audience and blogging provides that.
Hindered: I learned a few years ago not to discuss family (besides my immediate family.)
I said something about a family member that, although true, I should not have said. She let me have it, and I learned my lesson. Also, sometimes, the co-dependent, people pleaser part of me feels pressured to write everyday even if I have nothing to say.
4. If you could have *four* hours all to yourself with no
interruptions, what would you do?
Take a notebook, a favorite pen and five dollars and go to a coffee shop to write and draw in peace. Ahhhhhhh.
5. What car are you currently driving and is this your dream car? If
not, what would be the queen’s choice of transportation?
My car right now is your standard, boring but reliable car. I wish that
I had Herbie the Love Bug, though. That way I could take a nap in the
back and just end up wherever I needed to be.
6. Will we be seeing any of Anna’s artwork on your blog in the future?
We'll see. I won't pressure her. But heaven help us if she turns out to
be an athlete because Mommy will have no idea what's going on.
7. In regards to Jason….boxers or briefs? I had to!
He wears those tight boxers. I don't know what they are called. “Briefie
Boxers”? Most of them have holes in them, that's all I know.
Boxers or briefs? Why this question? Something to do with fertility or fashion?
Posted by: Bruce | April 04, 2006 at 02:50 AM