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Even though I learned to type double spaces after periods, I prefer the convention of using one space. Another relic of the typewriter is the QWERTY keyboard, which was designed to prevent sticky keys. For a while, I tried to learn the Dvorak (no relation to the composer) system, whose home keys are the most commonly typed letters, but this was VERY counterintuitive. Apparently, some have reached upwards of 90 wpm with this keyboard layout I'd like to try this again, and do think that its time will come.

Btw, using the search and replace all feature in Word helps me suss out all those pesky extra spaces! :)

Yes, those oft-cursed double spaces. A hard habit for those of us of a certain age to break.

I'm trying to re-train myself to transition to single spaces too... only because an editor I work with for some journal articles pointed out the change.

My question is the same as Delaney's (above) - when/where was this announced? I guess I missed it...

Is this "new stuff" written down somewhere? And is there really agreement that we should not use two spaces after the end of the sentence? As a baby boomer who learned the rules many years ago, it just doesn't look right to me! And yes, see I am trying to put two spaces typing fingers insist on it!

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