Well, here it is, almost National Novel Writing Month (So named by founder Chris Baty, author of No Plot, No Problem) and while most people consider NaNoWriMo for those fiction writers out there, I can't see any reason why any writer with a book inside him or her can't participate.
I have had a "street smart e-mail (etiquette) book" in me for quite some time but never seem to get around to doing anything with it. So this year, I have committed myself to participating in -- and completing -- the whole month of November and at the end I will have a 50,000 word rough draft of my work.
This year, I am so committed to the month that I have joined up as a Municipal Liaison for the Rochester, NY area.
Who knows, maybe you have had a book idea in your head but have put it off waiting for that "perfect" moment, when all of the stars align, the laundry is done, the dog is walked... you get the picture. For years I have waited, and believe it or not once those chores are done, there are dishes to be washed, floors to scrub, and children to taxi around... the "perfect" time to get your words down on paper -- whether fiction or non -- will never come.
So, for 2007, I have made my perfect time be from November 1 to November 30. I will meet up with my co-ML Robin and we will motivate the writers who gather for our kick-off, the write-ins, and the thank goodness it's over party! Why not make November your time to get that book idea out of the ether and down on paper? (The Nano site even has a place to track your word count -- nothing like a little accountability to keep those fingers moving!)