And back again.
The intersection of print and online publishing is where we live (WME Books, WME Blogs). So we are very proud and excited to share this conversation from our blog-buddy Toby Bloomberg's blogtalkradio show entitled Creating and Promoting Books with Social Media/Web 2.0. Toby's guests (she calls them rock stars) are book publicist Nettie Hartsock and our own Sybil Stershic, who blogs at Quality Service Marketing and wrote Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most: A Guide to Employee-Customer Care.
Just click the play button and get ready to learn.
Note: Because there is so much great information in the show covering both book- and blog-related topics, I'm going to cross-post this on A-ha! and WME Blogs, so please forgive. I think you'll want to listen to it more than once anyway ... and take notes!
Toby also blogged about the show and provided lists of tips from both Nettie and Sybil. Here's a taste:
Nettie: "Ask not what a blogger can do for you, ask how you, your book or your product can benefit the blogger and its readership ..."
Sybil: [on applying the "3 Rs" from her book to how authors should treat reviewers] "Reinforce their helping you with appropriate reciprocity (such as linking to their blog or website on your blog)."
There's more on Toby's blog and much more in the interview, so I'll get out of the way.
Note 2: In the interest of full disclosure (and maybe a little shameless self-promotion), Sybil is one our authors and her book is one of our best sellers since it's release last October. And she REALLY "gets" the whole blog to book to blog marketing concept.
We also have a connection to blogtalkradio, John Havens (VP of Business Development). John is co-authoring a book on business transparency with another of our clients, Shel Holtz, for Jossey-Bass and it's IABC book series. WME is acting as their agents.
I enjoyed the audio and appreciate you putting it here for visitors to glean from the abundance of pertinent information covered by this radio program. I took notes of points I can put into practice.
The services you offer on this web site are valuable to a variety of types of authors. I'm glad Yvonne dropped by my publisher's blog, which is how I found out about this site. I'll keep you in mind, mention you to my clients when appropriate, and maybe my publisher will think to mention your site as a positive example of POD when that blog discusses POD in the next week or so.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: K. A. Young | February 11, 2008 at 11:04 AM
Tom - Many thanks for your over -the-top kind comments. In this world of collaboration you and Yvonne are role models. We'll have to explore how to bring WME to Diva Talks!
Posted by: Toby | February 06, 2008 at 05:16 PM