Do you have a book inside you? Most people that I run into (and it could just be the circles in which I move) say they want to write a book. They have an idea for a book, or they have enough material from courses that they've taught that they SHOULD be compiling that material and putting it into a book.
Is that you? Have you done something for such a long time that you are considered an expert? If so, do you have all of your information written down? Could it be compiled into a book -- whether a print or an e-book? What's stopping you? Too much information?
Step back for a minute. If you were teaching a class or hosting a lecture, where would you begin? Introductions? A bit of a this-is-what-I-plan-to-cover overview then questions and answers? There you go! Oversimplified, of course, but that's your jumping off point.
I say that to you but I look at the information I have compiled in my many years of teaching writing classes and wonder what's stopping me. I certainly have enough information so I can understand that it is an overwhelming task.
Tell you what, I will set myself a goal of at least compiling all of the information I need to start on my book (or e-book, or (bottom line) pamphlet!) and by the first of October I will have at least table of contents, an introduction and an idea of what the first line of my opening page will be.
Anyone want to join me as I dip my toe into the water?
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