Smart Woman Online: Rosa Say
Jane Reads Guy Kawasaki

Jane Gets Organized


Jane aka Yvonne DiVita
Jane aka Yvonne Divita
is only fooling. I have no clue how to get organized.

However, I am going to make an attempt to organize my posts. Presently, I have managed to get consistent with my Tuesday "Fit by Five," where I post Five Important lists, words of inspiration, words of advice, or in-the-news items, on a regular basis. In addition, I am quite faithful to my Thursday Smart Man Online and Smart Woman Online interviews, which I  often leave up through Friday as a consideration to readers who don't have time to check their blogs every day.

Starting next week, I hope to add Monday reviews-- of books or websites, (you may recommend books and websites, dear readers) then add headline news on weekends. The hope is to serve readers first, with quality input on the women's market whether through a new book I've read, a website or blog I've visited, or relevant headline news that may impact your bottom line. By posting on these specific topics each day, I also serve myself... using a format that allows me to be prepared well ahead of time with blog content.

I am awe of the many bloggers who post daily--sometimes more than once a day--and report on timely, top-of-mind subjects. Obviously, these bloggers type faster than I am! Their posts make the blogosphere a truly useful place to discover what's happening in the world, be that in the business world, or the political world.

In the end, I say we are all one. We are intertwined with each other. A blog post by Bl Ochman talking about BzzAgent or Debbie Weil, reporting on Robert  Bly (who seems to have abandoned his blog--say it isn't so, Bob!), or Jason Calacanis  and six lessons to learn from his career, in addition to the many curt, relevant, serious posts by the women at Misbehaving, along with some of Jane's favorite 'diary' blogs such as Average Jane make for a well-rounded view of the human condition.

I hope readers consider Lipsticking part of reporting on the human condition. In the end, I feel that my words reflect the value human beings attach to learning. I believe that the human condition is an ever-growing need to seek out information...sometimes for personal reasons, other times for business reasons. It doesn't matter.

The goal is to connect, be it through bits and bytes flying like missiles through computer cables, or through images that inspire emotional responses. The human condition is one of curiosity and exploration. With blogs, it all comes together in a circle of voices adding insight to the collective consciousness.

Male or female...we all exist to connect to one another. Blogging gives us a venue that works.

It is what makes us human, after all. 

People connecting to one another


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Thanks for the compliment, Jane :) Well rounded, I can do :)

Dianne M. Daniels

Hello Jane,
Love this post - if it's not considered too self-serving, I'd love for you to review my site ( and I can also send you a copy of my book Polish & Presence: 31 Days to a New Image - via email. It's available as a PDF-based ebook and also as a printed self-help manual.


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