Jane Promotes the Carnival and Gets an Award
January 10, 2005
Monday mornings are always so exciting-- since we know the Carnival of the Capitalists will be up. Jane has met many new, marvelous bloggers through Carnival postings, and this week is no exception. We urge readers to visit the Carnvial, partake of its power, and share it with friends.
Odyssey of the Mind is hosting the Carnival this good Monday morning, with posts from old friends and neat, new friends. We especially like the book review from Rob at 1-800CEOread, and the post from Dr. Cornwall of The Entrepreneurial Mind with his take on "luck." By far, the most important post is Evelyn Rodriguez's from Crossroads Dispatches, talking about "fear and the reluctance of allowing poignant feelings to wash over us."
Jane is especially interested in making friends with Joshua Sharf of Colorado, who writes really scary stuff in View from a Height-- involving numbers, those tricky digits Jane has never learned to master. We are interested in Joshua because he hails from the hometown of our own favorite little girl, Miah Rae, whom we miss tremendously.
In addition to announcing the Carnvial, Jane has another exciting tidbit for our readers to digest. Some days ago, we were informed by Michael Pollock of Small business branding that we are one of his Top Ten Smartest Blogging Babes. Wow! It's been some time, oh, at least a week, since anyone called Jane a babe! Michael flatters us...and we like it! Pay close attention: we really, really like it! Thank you, Michael.
Do stop over at his blog, dear readers. You will not be sorry. This young man has the entrepreneurial spirit in spades. He is destined to do great things. (and we don't even know his mother, really, we don't.)
What's not to like about that?
You Go Blogging Babe! Michael is right Lip-Sticking is a consistently well-written, smart blog. Yvonne you are a Diva Divine.
Posted by: Toby | January 12, 2005 at 03:45 PM