Sunday Fiction Feature: Five or Ten...conclusion
Jane Shares Five Tips and Tactics

Jane Reports on the Net, dear readers. Jane refuses to acknowledge that it's past noon.

Regardless of the time of day, and the fact that Jane is still running in place (we have not finished the office's the technology that's holding us back; connect this cable, move that one, buy a surge protector, replace a keyboard--heaven's to Betsy! what did our grandparents do in the early 1900s -- okay, let's not go there.)

We hope you have been having a delightful, sunny, productive Monday, dear readers. We hope you have begun the week with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. We hope you are eagerly looking forward to summer...when Woman_at_beach_monet all the ladies will be so busy at the beach, all of their shopping will be done online, after the sun has gone down and they are sipping sweet lemonade while sitting at their computer...browsing your site, of course!

In between some of your tasks today, we hope you meandered over to the Carnival of the Capitalists to see their new format, and, of course, to partake of the best of the web. Jane gives a hearty, Well done! to the Carnival this week. Not only is it rife with great reading, it's design is ever more user-friendly. Jane has a post there (we were an 'editor's choice' aren't we tickled pink!), as do many of our friends...and, many new voices we are eager to make friends with.

Additionally, Jane has another announcement:

Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of the Build a Better Blog System are hosting
Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line

Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 8:30 p.m. ET - FREE
Guest Expert:  T.L. Pakii-Pierce of Blog for Fun and Profit , speaking on
                                     Blogs as Social Marketing Tools

To listen to last week's expert, Paul Chaney of Radiant Marketing, click the link here. To find out more information, including the schedule of upcoming Conversations, click here.

On a local note, for those readers who live and travel in Upstate NY, our consultants organization, the best in the Northeast, if we do say so ourselves, is putting on its annual Business Building Conference, May 11th. Check it out... there's something for everyone. We mean everyone, but we expect folks from Buffalo, Syracuse, Endicott, Binghamton, even Toronto, are more likely to register, and to get valuable education from this conference. This is our third, and each year it gets better than the last.

Jane knows how hard the conference committee has been working-- she's been privvy to some of their meetings-- and we heartily recommend this to our readers, one and all. You will learn many valuable ways to improve your business,'ll make some fantastic new friends.

What's not to like about that?


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