Smart Conversation with Mia On the Go- Mia Voss
I continue to be amazed and inspired and thrilled by the women I meet.
Amazement comes when they show their talents to the world.
Inspiration comes when I see the magic that is being created, from those talents.
And the thrill comes when they share their magical talents with the world.
Mia on the Go - Going Places
This video conversation with BFF Mia on the Go, gets down to the real nitty gritty. She is all of that - amazing, inspiring, and thrilling.
I believe Mia Voss is a true pioneer when it comes to both supporting other women and proving that you can live your passion. Oh, sure, other women have done it. Some even make the national news. But, no one does it like Mia, and no one ever will.
Listen to her passion when she talks about women's issues. Watch her face light up when we share stories.
The Value of Old Friends
I met Mia almost ten years ago and even then she was on the forefront of online success. She had taken her life’s experiences and ported them over to the web. I knew the minute our eyes met, that this woman would be an amazing success.
It wasn’t just that she was “going places” as we used to say, when we met someone with that charm, that intelligence, that drive to move forward. It was that she had that one, two, three punch: 1) she was smarter than the average person sitting in the cafe drinking coffee; talking to her for five minutes proved that; 2) she was beautiful - not just her appearance, it was her smile, her eyes, her intent - to serve the people she was with, it made her glow a little bit; 3) she had cultivated a ‘can-do’, ‘will-do’ attitude towards life.
Right now, today, this woman wows thousands with her Facebook Live videos. Where, by the way, she brings her sweet sweet puppy on board to melt everyone's heart. He melts my heart, anyway.
A big takeaway from our conversation and from Mia herself is that you should always work up that courage to approach people you think of as 'stars' or celebrities. Many of them are just like Mia. They approachable. They're willing to hear you out. Sometimes they're willing to help you.
If I had one tenth of Mia's energy, I think I could conquer the world. Watch the video and decide for yourself if she's not one of the best faces and voices on the web today. Remember her voice - and I'm not just talking about the sound coming out of her mouth. I'm talking brand.
Watch and learn. Leave her a comment. Share with all your friends.
Loved this conversation. My quote to take away from Mia's observations and empowering lifestyle is: "You don't have to ask permission!" I also enjoyed the information on Mary Shelley that you brought to the dialogue, Yvonne. As a writer, I always love those intriguing literary touches...little gifts of inspiration from women, whether contemporary or from other ages. It binds the whole story of our evolution together. It always delights me that conversation between women is so naturally multi-leveled. We come to solutions by accessing total experience. We wear many hats in life, often without the titles that would go with those skills and all of that goes into our decision making process. That's why we can break gestalts, often without realizing it or appreciating it in ourselves.
Posted by: Sherry L Ross | 11/14/2019 at 04:32 PM