I'm Just An Old-Fashioned Girl
One Step, Two Steps, Three Steps, Four - How to Get Yourself Out of the Door

A Smart Woman Conversation with Carol Bryant of Fidose of Reality

Smart conversations carol bryant

When Carol Bryant, professional writer extraordinaire at Fidose of Reality, and a public relations expert, as well as a budding book author, agreed to be on Smart Conversations, I did a little jig around my chair, in my office.

Today, Carol is a freelance writer and the current President of the Dog Writers Association of America, this last honor so well deserved!

Carol is, as are many women you see on Smart Conversations, a BFF from BlogPaws. We talk a little about that. We talk about how BlogPaws influenced some of what we do now, and how it brought us so much good fortune, we will always look back on those days with joy and happiness.

The Path Forward

The key, however, is to look forward, as Carol says. To take the path ahead, and not let the past or the potholes prevent you from achieving your highest dream.

One of the best parts of this woman to woman conversation is the description of how Carol came to understand her place in the Universe. Her place, she tells us, is in the health and wellness of Cocker Spaniels.

No, she is not a veterinarian, nor is she an employee of a veterinary office.

But she’s devoted to this breed, and this breed only. She’s done her research. She’s lived through experiences only people who own this breed can understand. She shares and offers advice, always noting that you need to talk to your own veterinarian - but in the meantime, you can learn a great deal on her blog.

Having a Pity Party

When Carol left BlogPaws, it was hard for her. BlogPaws was a big part of all of our lives for 10 years, but for Carol it was her life. She put her all into that pet influencer community, and leaving it put her into a dark place for a bit.

She talks about her pity party. About having to take the time to grieve. And then, learning when the party should end, and when to build on the experiences of being at BlogPaws.

It taught her how to ‘reinvent’ and how to move forward and how to understand what the universe had in store for her.

“The universe keeps putting things in my path,” she tells us.

Her path is health and wellness for Cocker Spaniels. It’s creating a journal for this niche group. It’s a hyper focused journey of discovery and community. (and hence, the Facebook page you should check out)

In Her Spare Time

Early on in this conversation, we talk about not doing too many things at once. Multi-tasking is okay, if you limit yourself to just a couple of things.

But, when you’re creating a business, building a brand (Carol’s brand is herself and her blog) or venturing on a new journey in life, you shouldn’t be doing a dozen different big ideas. You need to pick one and stay focused.

I love how Carol describes her focus. Take 20 minutes to enjoy this smart conversation. Carol is, of course, one smart women online - and off.




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