My Muse is Edgar Allan Poe
A Smart Woman Conversation: Kim Porter Life Coach

A Smart Woman Conversation: Hollie Clere - The Social Media Advisor

Hollie Clere Smart Woman Conversation (1)

How do you name an image online?

For those of us who write, who blog, who share information using both images and the written word, the idea of naming the image part of our conversations can be challenging.

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor tells us how important it is to name your images for Google, in this week’s Smart Woman Online Conversation, with me, Yvonne DiVita.

The conversation moves from online communication to offline meeting and engagement, to using social media effectively, to learning from others, to team building. Whew! That’s a good bit to cover in only 20 minutes or so.

It’s Magic

One of the best parts of this conversation is when Hollie says, “Magic happens.”

We talk about magic a good bit, here at Nurturing Big Ideas. I believe in your talents and magic. Having Hollie say those words, unbidden by me, made my heart soar. You’ll have to watch to discover why she said them, and what she means by them.

If you’re using the web for your business, and who isn’t?, you need to watch this video today.

You need to listen to Hollie’s advice, now, today, right away.

Scary Stories

And, in this conversation is a scary story. A very scary story. Hollie shares an experience she had, using the web for her business, that … well, got pretty scary. Her advice will help you avoid any problems in that area.

I am so proud to call Hollie friend. I learn from her by following her on LinkedIn and Facebook and every other place I find here. She doesn’t just know her ‘stuff’, she shares it.

Enjoy. Oh, definitely connect with Hollie at the links shared within this post. And leave us a comment or ask a question. The magic can’t happen if we don’t connect.

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